Selma Circus, Summer time 5/30/08 4:06 PM
Excitement entertainment the engaging. Displaying a sound of positive vibration. Chances are the hail will melt before meeting the surface. Face feeling incredibly warm. Heat generating on adrenalin overload. Balance center grounding for development collective self-fuel. Fascinated by the predicament. Relaxed and into it. Electric pulse cultivated talent. Information formations. Manicured curly fries. So fun silly run on sentences long enough to catch your breath. Flying outside of a tunnel above looking down body shapes a lighting bolt. Tundra of sand, sun stroke survivor, Silverado on a golden road. Paintbrush stroke charming color choice. Blue fire fly forest green granite. Graciously opened arm hands for holding. Decoding culture traditions with out judgment. Living with family all across the globe. Not racing but embracing. Global shift matrimony between earth and space. In love with gravity. Rational territory effortless example. The outcome of experience. Nutrition trust and tri...