
Showing posts from October, 2008

Woke up on the wrong side of the egg 10/22/08 12:58 PM

Leftovers for forty days and forty nights. Sandwiches with real chicken heels. Sweet surrender in to the syrup craze. Marmalade dream state. Letters appearing on paper faster then fingers type. Creative camera American market scheme. Memorized in the morning. Recited by noon, repeated for weeks yet it is still brand new. Excited repetition new energy transition. Rancid worry worn away, Burned in to the ashes. Created in the shore, brown crystals cocoon like seashells. A potato pulled out from within the ground. Turned completely inside out and up side down. Roots from every angle, Indians diagramming river flow perfect. From with in the chest the heart knows no secret. Imperfections formatted to further freedoms stride. To allow for the best to be different at all times. Impersonality sense of humility humbling gratitude. Growing older with your dreams as your reality. Focused energy. Growing pains recurring as correction rather then a problem. Momentarily pause then regenerated in to ...

Reaching a destination 10/20/08 3:33 PM

Progress advancement dancing in the sunset. Together again warming sand to cooling foot. Rabbits in the moon, spiritual support. Organized echelon positioned just so. As to create a three d effect direct diligent direction. A Sacred pact of important facts. Remembering the moment as you watched the amber coals glow. Smoke from under the ring of your nose encloses on your throat. Non aggressive subtle flickers of forgotten feelings. So far gone that he’s already back. Aching bones from carrying home the gold. Double platted plaster of Paris French kiss with a Sicilian. Energy to cherish unique characteristic. New York night life dancing underneath a disco ball. Indoor waterfalls powering the lights. Organic wine tasting two trips to Europe in the same month. Meetings in the mountains with shamans, witches and monks. Flights taken into a heavenly plane. Landing back in to the body astral traveled to Japan. Exercise excellent measurements meeting of the minds. Anarchist harvesting the tr...

An Immaculate Taste 10/13/08 12:41pm

In your palm you hold an unfolding flower of life . So precious she is cultivating the seed. Synchronistic the scent of a syncarpous. How deep can you dig before finding a treasure. To some wasted material to others. Often misunderstood while looking above. Standing kneeling rolling over rows of flowers. Flowing onward slowly toward your goal. Golden road unpaved or sold. To buy a rich man’s land to return to the poor. Ever try to tie together a bundle of sticks. Forty three miles until the sun sets. San Diego green growth new signs of creation. Love fascination healing sound creation. Playable personality, similar interest. In exploring reality. We have a choice to speak free or forever be underneath. Behind the falling of the sun the unveiling of the moon. Fully capable of controlling your own comfort zone. Being the cause of the effect to occur. Living so fast that all of life is a blur. Missed moments replaced with seized days. Chicken eggs to hatch for breakfast. With the patienc...

Becoming you again 10/9/08 3:18 AM CO

Toes spread out in the afternoon sun. Foot prints sketched in the side of a mighty oak. Strong willed willow up rooting to run once again. Wasting seeds that at one point had potential. Healing comfort through equal exchange. Strange road ready laughter. The throat of a Taurus sensitive yet powerful. Hot tea with extra lemon and honey. Black and white stellar costume. Outfit fitting over your flesh. Kaleidoscope eyes viewing the earth from above. Obvious version vision is similar to those of others. Stamped across the calf of a county. Earth viewed as a living breathing being. Humans against the planet. Subconsciously thinking they can take over. Controlling the ruby mountain. Owning land, taking claim and stating it as yours. What hurts the most is not the letting go, But the becoming new. Afraid of what you may find. Outside of your box and beyond your mind. Contrary to a cows thoughts. Thumb wresting victor takes all. Indian sun burn, forearm muscle comparison. Shoulders off alignme...

A Single Reason 10/3/08 11:35 AM

Throat is sore, looking for a break. Time is altering turning clock arms point toward the bay. Clouds above the castle’s roof. Full of water they float holding out until the time is right. Explosion of lonesome sorrow centered and transformed. Obstacles created to expand the awareness. Standing up for a new frontier. Far away from friends thinking of them at all times. Mars is looking at us from outside of the window. Change that thought it is a satellite. Comets are coming. Sparkling the sky. Stars jealous at the magnificent beauty. Lingering tracers left for our fingers to follow. Meaning hidden in the notes that are left. For some reason they have been unable to be read. Is there an excuse for lose of excitement. Lying sideways watching the television. Presenting the world with life. Something to cling on to and justify realities faith. Falling feathers from space. Soul magnets filling in the missing feelings of love. Forgetting what love is. Remembering again with more power then ...