Please Relax in your spaceship 8/6/09 10:58 AM
Racing fingers crossing boarders taking notes. Epic arrival divine timing all planed out. Categories of old songs, middle age wonder. Crisis melt down rebuilt foundation. Drunken slurs of love and lustful adventure. Miracles created through precipitation. Rain drops covering over leaflets and old thoughts. Smooth legs shaven or not. Ironic twist of parallel spots. Tasty sweet tangy midnight. Three am is the new noon. Before roads where created we crafted paths. Now a days our lackadaisical nature forces us to relax. Puts us in a position where there is no answers. Questions circle like vultures. Strange enough to enjoy the fruit of our labor. Who is your muse so cute and comfortable. She sings to me in hypnotic melodies. Awakening the memories of my childhood days. Beyond a single entity, she is the all seeing eye to me. The definition of my spirits divine connection. Love generated through pure thought. If we continue to question our abilities. It will only be a matter of time, till ...