The Exuberant Rush 1/15/10 5:26 PM
Both shoes are tied tight, well lose in the beginning. But now they are tied in knots, Not double though at one point they where always doubled. Seems more fitting that the laces get more attention. The build up of excitement almost creates a calm feeling. A sense of surety to release any and all attachment. Thankful gratitude fills my core. A agonic apology to any and all those that may not understand. Talk to the angels that care about me unconditionally. They fully understand the essence of love. The beating of the heart and its guidance. The fulfillment of eagerness and its wanting. Desire driven to protect and provide. Some will say it is the stars that create that wave , And its incredible creative current of happiness. Clear eyes open oval ovaries of Variety. Rationing out what is left in the garden. Grandfather hands so excited to hold the talking stick. To provide for his grandchildren and to re-use the rain drops. Collecting literature for you, reading it bit by bit. Regainin...