Tale of Seven Sisters 8/12/08 1:41 PM

Over by the River, where we sat and watched the moon rock.
Talked for an hour a half about the boondocks.
Traveling life, and smoke shops.
Water carnival taste for the truth.
Triumphant attempt hard work paying dues.
Long winded walk about never ending hugs with you.
Balcony glass window business class view.
Helicopter rides, over the enchanted amethyst forest.
Super sweet ground score.
Smorgasbord of objects from outer-space.
A few orders of hors d’orvres for afterwards.
Who spells any way anyway.
It would be a great combo to have all the above.
Stay in position. Stick to the program of being your own,
And surrendering to the omnipresent moment.
Wind-chimes lingering on like the sound of touching stars.
The sound of Wooden wings the laugh of young angels.
Savoring the moment soaking in the ocean.
Floors full of mist, rising clouds soaking in your pores.
Poems answering mysteries of unanswered dreams.
Reaching out above the landmass beyond the suns grasp.
Money changing diamond glass. Infused fire stone.
Expectations of a spectacular taste left.
A freshness of mountain air new faces that always appear.
Tear down the walls around you. Build up the walls around you.
You can count on your self or every one else.
Or else you can lean balance and the abundance of wealth.
Triangulate and restructure your compass.
Check to make sure all components are working.
Turning the tuner, door bell ringing surprising sound.
Dark green bass tubes, pastures carpenters Portland.
Across the border they traveled, tracing unknown steps.
Sequence of events, seamless entertainment.
Connecting in the riptide, imagine for a moment.
Coiled roads unpaved yet chosen.
That incredible sense of bliss. Open and excepting.
A teamwork attitude toward steadfast relationships of gratitude.
Realization of public engagement
Partnership in tradition radiating embracement …


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