Beach Easy Youth Harmony 3/15/09 3:57 PM

Soulful attitude, high from the altitude.
Rising vibration,
Sun scripting the language of the patient.
Telecaster told me something about the box.
Elbows out enough room to breath.
Scissor kicks in sand snow angles melting away,
Seasonal perennial peaceful acceptance.
A focused intention that lifts off the sentence.
Enters each in to a effortless path into fortitude.
True to the moment of realization.
Reading a well written version.
According to the viewers opinion that is.
Obvious versions that have come before.
Fortune a furnace full in a freezing winter.
Food and shelter built to protect.
Water droplets giving birth to life.
Self sacrifice, at a righteous price.
Never to forget the profits promise.
But what about attachment forget that gadget.
Inspector in-depth into the lecture.
Sectioned off individually.
Divided intended to share each and every stride.
Youthful onlookers looking across the globe.
Glancing off in to the vast sun setting landscape.
Capability to inform one another of honest feelings.
Surreal reels of your life in fast forward and some on slow motion.
In accordance chords played with step recording.
Calf’s sore, staircase walk imperative importance.
Music opening the star gate.
Clever way to say that you have arrived.


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