Infinite Love through laughter 3/6/09 12:25 PM

It’s a special celebration, every day.
Cells splitting to twirl like DNA.
Earthly ways of wondrous change.
Safety nets set up for those who jump.
Non programmed grammatical errors.
Effortless leisure, long winded laughter.
Wings spread across the dazzling horizon.
Pink hues that resemble the under tone of an orchid.
A child’s cold cheeks, a young adults blushing beauty.
Handling the soft tissue of the earth like a penguin handles an egg.
Encrypted in the length of each phrase.
A hidden meaning that speaks of truth.
Worldly days of pondering speech.
Speculating that everlasting occasion.
Raising your hands in hopes to capture the sun.
Raising your son in hopes to release the moon.
Pardon me for a moment.
There seems to be a bit of frustration in your heart.
Is it grief transforming your own choice of recollection.
Collecting new habits while trading in the rest.
Climbing trees to get a better view.
Jumping from limb to limb.
Exercising the minds eye, by staring at a dot.
Dodging jealous affiliation with aggressive on lookers.
Tempting the human psyche side kicking the ego out of bounds.
New birth, performing the same task under new light.
Wheels keep spinning around and around.
Feet dancing soft cloud like.
Melting meaning on hot oven grills.
Routines teasing each other,
Multi tasking taking terns.
Temperature is raising at a steady rate.
Cruising through the state of Virginia.
Speechless surroundings slight bit of snow melting.
Warm red sun blanketing the rolling hills as we pass.
Pulsating heart rate in anticipation for show time.
Time of show turns the clock back,
Lungs fill with unknown toxins.
Inhaling at a high speed, breathing in the poison.
Not trying to be picky knowing its part of the show.
Impartial to implementing a new stance, toward the whole.
Long-winded breathing patterns to help circulate.
Please let this be a lesson in leaving your expectations.
Taking a natural feeling and forcing it to fall in place.
Please allow this to be seen from a far.
As they spend so much on searching for water on a star.
A planet I should say, one we can live on and slowly watch decay.
Lets spend millions of dollars on exploring space.
While we watch the earth passing away.
She reaches hands hi, Screaming at us,
Don’t become attached to on another.
In doing so we forget each other.
You should take a step back and sense the discomfort.
It is you that is causing an awkward sense of balance.
Wanting what is not yours and never has been.
Even our selves is truly not ours.
We as pods, vehicles of the Gods.
Read closely what you write.
Confused by how many is to despite the one.
Where does your intention lie,
Lips maybe even deeper gateways then the eyes.
Trust that this is true.
Follow the sun till the moon turns blue.
Rhythmical patterns tapping on your door.
The perfect beginning to what the spirit sent for.
Like infinite love through laughter.
Falling backwards asking after.
After asking relaxing excepting the changes we all must take.
The beauty path toward the rainbow that leads us from the lake.

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