
Showing posts from September, 2009

Expanding your Expression 9/28/09 8:19 AM

Feel free to admire, take in become. Expand, that’s what we are here for. We experience the most when we allow, What is your limit the furthest you have gone. Sand clinging to your sweat covered legs. Sitting with ancient spirits reminding you of your beauty. Speaking in lost languages returning for future conversation. As I float away in to the clouds, Let my body become again as it once was. Unformed, formless limits that can only be passed. The idea of the seed. The structure is in place. The preparation has taken lifetimes. Angelic guides that have sang their song. Wings reaching out for wind to carry them home. Surprise, thanks for caring reading, breathing. Your skin surrounds me, so close to touch. Impermanence cloud’s covering the moon. It may only be a speculation of the mine that I share. Redundant then, collective thought builds our bridges. We walk along twisted turns where horses use to play. Feet covered we run bare. Our breath takes us so deep. Beyond the core of our m...

Coloring In The Capsules 9/15/09 11:22 AM

Allow my intention to align, All aspects that my imagination can fathom, Clouds colored in with brilliance and truth. Corporation heart and core matrix. Let the dead bury their dead, How deep is that. Dinosaur temptations. Direct recycled certainty. Service beyond that which could ever be expected. Words over flowing with potent meaning. A spokesman is being emotionally freeing. Successful surrender to competitive ego. Shadow of a red tail hawk, Colors blending creating a newness. A tube of open source energy. Dissolving in soft hands of your mothers creation. Having no anticipation for expectations. Annually climbing the staircase. Impressed by the lack of pressure placed on us. A structure so solid in its foundation, Only through certain brain waves we can enter. Sound communicating with our subconscious. Science is boggled, Transverse over the flocculent tangibility. Melody loudly allowing others to repeat. Walk with, talk in a accent of love and compassion. Acting upon the unfoldi...

Water temperature 9/14/09 6:20 PM

Present epic gifted moment. The train lights are facing forward. Short hair low cut corner fade. Organic apple field, pleasant view. Orchards of orchids. So deeply in love with the immaculate twist. Feed the jackrabbits carrots and bits. Here it is, Trumpets above the fire light, Candles floating in tin cans of water, A longer pause then the warming ocean. Hands pulling from under up against the cup. The crest, the iron rod of Horus placed against the chest. Heavy eyes like mountains light lashes lift morning butterflies. May the void be filled with creators excitement. Floating above the cold moist grass. The warmth of your foot, The impeccable path beyond synchronistic chromosome concepts. Archeological gene in a bottle, Even or Odd particles Orbiting around the darkness. Polar opposites the holder sits, Face to face with the obvious, Now, has a name for it, Always changing, before the first sparkling idea appeared. In hall ways carved with rock stick and clay, A mock version, A pilg...

Thankful for Your Newness 9/10/09 7:41 PM

Thankful for your awakening eyes. Eyes so magnified they remind me of mine. As if I forget my own awareness. Your voice speaking through my lips. My tongue tasting the air that surrounds you. Long ago before I knew my song was written just for you. Your hands guided my finger movement. At one point it was three fingers and a pen. Now all ten fingers follow the guide from within. Your brilliance radiates my splendor. We share the same arms. Make love with the same soul. Spin webs that seem identical yet are completely original. My spectrum is yours. Washing away worry where weakness subsides. Sitting by your side. Two snakes intertwining. Naked lake water keeping me afloat. Four serpents auspiciously lift my suspense. Youthful fountain of remembering. Channeling charging forward with the fortitude, Of four hundred and forty four unforgettable moments. For the page is prepared to be written on. The canvas is color coded but not by traditional standards The water fall’s cadence creates ...