Thankful for Your Newness 9/10/09 7:41 PM
Thankful for your awakening eyes.
Eyes so magnified they remind me of mine.
As if I forget my own awareness.
Your voice speaking through my lips.
My tongue tasting the air that surrounds you.
Long ago before I knew my song was written just for you.
Your hands guided my finger movement.
At one point it was three fingers and a pen.
Now all ten fingers follow the guide from within.
Your brilliance radiates my splendor.
We share the same arms.
Make love with the same soul.
Spin webs that seem identical yet are completely original.
My spectrum is yours.
Washing away worry where weakness subsides.
Sitting by your side.
Two snakes intertwining.
Naked lake water keeping me afloat.
Four serpents auspiciously lift my suspense.
Youthful fountain of remembering.
Channeling charging forward with the fortitude,
Of four hundred and forty four unforgettable moments.
For the page is prepared to be written on.
The canvas is color coded but not by traditional standards
The water fall’s cadence creates endless shifts of sudden change.
Forces beyond its control such as wind and water,
Breath and Life.
Sustaining each other one bite after the next rhythmic effects.
Patterns placed in paradoxical order.
A mere glimpse at the American disorder.
Hold the condiments lycopene prostate varied accomplishments.
Cherished relish with pure golden flakes.
Quaker oats and rice milk.
Released no longer taken wrong,
Dialogue digested in to beats of a song.
Eyes so magnified they remind me of mine.
As if I forget my own awareness.
Your voice speaking through my lips.
My tongue tasting the air that surrounds you.
Long ago before I knew my song was written just for you.
Your hands guided my finger movement.
At one point it was three fingers and a pen.
Now all ten fingers follow the guide from within.
Your brilliance radiates my splendor.
We share the same arms.
Make love with the same soul.
Spin webs that seem identical yet are completely original.
My spectrum is yours.
Washing away worry where weakness subsides.
Sitting by your side.
Two snakes intertwining.
Naked lake water keeping me afloat.
Four serpents auspiciously lift my suspense.
Youthful fountain of remembering.
Channeling charging forward with the fortitude,
Of four hundred and forty four unforgettable moments.
For the page is prepared to be written on.
The canvas is color coded but not by traditional standards
The water fall’s cadence creates endless shifts of sudden change.
Forces beyond its control such as wind and water,
Breath and Life.
Sustaining each other one bite after the next rhythmic effects.
Patterns placed in paradoxical order.
A mere glimpse at the American disorder.
Hold the condiments lycopene prostate varied accomplishments.
Cherished relish with pure golden flakes.
Quaker oats and rice milk.
Released no longer taken wrong,
Dialogue digested in to beats of a song.