Soul Exited beauty SF 6/10/08 3:56 PM

It’s amazing when the water is calm.
How pure and patient such a simple equation.
Inspiring waves washing over the home front.
Free from inner struggles, Self-competitive touchdowns.
Root mazes, a few faces, inter laced with embracing.
Embody dogma magnacumlaude.
The highest of honors.
Honest honey sweet. Detail for every detail.
No matter the price, you can be broke in the bank,
But rich in life. Which it might be different.
If in fact you are on the opposite end.
Position your self. Away from where the opposition is felt.
Seven Zig zags in a Zip lock bag,
With Velcro to hold up the scarecrows.
Zucchini egg roles some real serious talk.
A privileged walk along green carpet.
Green renaissance a sensational armband.
How old till it’s an antique.
The old man in the corner is quite.
Pointing across the empty living room space.
Stars fill in the patient’s eyes.
Waiting for the clock to run out of batteries.
Or maybe some one you know will forget time.
Climbing the rope behind in hopes to find,
A person who can carry weight,
Only I in you am true or fake.
A distant glimpse in to a vision so close.
Spoken words, charming smile.
Hearts flying together in dream time.
Daytime thinking of dreamtime again.
Eleven eleven eleven times in a row.
Time to change the words up.
Add up all the numbers on a clock starting at Noon.
That’s the year my brother was born.
In the 19th century on the 78th Year,


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